Archive | April 2014

My Favorite Poem

Re-wind By Mackenzie F.

I suck in and straighten my posture.
I blush and hold the dreamy gaze.
My face turns red and palms become sweaty.
I look to the floor and back up.
Still watching.

I smile, but a shy one not the cute girly one that I wear.
Class is still going but I hardly notice.
How long has it been?
Not long enough.
Who will chicken out?
Me,it is ALWAYS me.

And it is, but this time I look back.
Still eyes are on me with a smile at the corners.
A friendly one.

Then finally he looks away.
I let myself breathe again.
He doesn’t like-like me I tell myself.
It will never work out anyway.
But still I smile.
Just wishing I could re-wind.

I wrote this poem about how sometimes you don’t know if someone likes you. Even though some signs might point to yes you never really know what is going on inside his LITTLE brain.

Media and a Memory


I remember when I first got this bunny. It was in perfect condition at the time until my sister decided it needed a trim…on the ears. With a snap of the scissors the pink flopping ears drifted to the tile.
I loved that curly pink fluff. I was real creative with the name. “I shall call you … Bunny!” I declared.
When I had it, I was an angel, so obedient, kind,and caring. Without it, the stubborn little monster would squeeze out.

I would take it everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE! I would mess with its floppy ears and pretend it sang songs to me. I would take to it when I felt mad,sad, or happy. Everywhere I went it would follow. I’d squeeze it so hard I am surprised the stuffing didn’t come out!

I always keep this bunny on my bed because no matter how beat up it gets it holds memories I’ll never forget.