
Being a good leader isn’t easy you need to practice and work and your weaknesses. You have to be an example to others around you, let them know you can make good decisions. Good leadership is hard to find and very hard to earn. Once you have an image it’s hard to shake. There are to kinds of people in this world the leaders and the followers.

If you are a follower, that can still be ok as long as you don’t let this person bring you into doing something you don’t believe in. You can be a leader by saying no. Being yourself is the closets thing you can get to being a leader. Be carful though because there are many ways to stop being a leader. You loose your temper, forget multiple assignments, get bad grades, lie, ect.

Take me for example co-captain of cheer if I do any of these things people will look at me differently. I won’t be that sweet little girl people can trust I will be a “Oh here she comes,” girl which isn’t a good thing. People loose their respect for you and your beliefs. They won’t think that you could help them or that they could trust you. When this happens, you become the person people hate instead of the person they love. I try to stick up for my standards and it helps when friends support my position.

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