Expository Writing

Ahhhh…! No! Please no! WHY?! Fear is necessary.

Don’t worry what seems scary now will help you in the future. When I found out my grandma was in the hospital again, fear overtook me — so much fear. What do you know? My friend went through something similar she was there the whole way through. Man! I was happy she was there. If I wasn’t afraid, I would never know what she went through too.

Another reason fear is important is if you get over that fear it can change the way you look at things. For example, if you are scared of dogs and you get over your fears. You could end up loving the furry animals. Things change and you can others when you overcome your fears. Things can get better.

Fear can seem bad, but everyone has it. Even Taylor Swift gets nervous before she goes on stage, but if she never had the courage she wouldn’t be famous and have a career. Fear can help everyone become something great. If we spend our time in fear now, we won’t pay attention to the greater future.

One thought on “Expository Writing

  1. I feel like she’s right when fear is sometimes a good thing. I can relate to being freaked out when I go into the arena or speak in front people. What she says about it being scary now but will help me later is true.

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